I am an Assistant Professor of Writing at NSU, and my research focuses on the intersections between rhetoric and composition, digital media studies, and ecocriticism. Specifically, I examine how computer games contribute to contemporary environmental rhetorics about ecological crises, posthumanism, and sustainability. I have presented my scholarship on this and related topics at national and international conferences as well as published in refereed journals, such as Green Letters (2017), Ecozon@ (2017), and others. My latest works will appear in the edited collections Mediating Nature (2019) and EcoComix (2020). I am the director of NSU's CRDM digital collection, The Production and Preservation Project (P3), and serve as the Associate Curator and Technology Director for the annual CRDM Exhibit. The courses I teach at NSU serve undergraduate and graduate students, focusing on writing with digital technologies and multimodal writing.
Below is a description of the course and objectives for which this website was designed.
This course is part of NSU's M.A. in CRDM program.
WRIT 5320: Advanced Writing with Technologies
This course focuses on developing advanced writing techniques for mobile and web-based technologies. Students in this course will examine in-depth the theories and approaches to writing within such digital environments and networks while at the same time investigate technologies as rhetorical objects. This course will prepare students to answer a variety of design problems related to technological contexts.
Student Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of technological theories as they relate to writing
Examine the rhetorical practices of writing for technology
Design effective texts using writing technologies that appropriately combine modes and media
Define technological trends that affect composing processes