Throughout this semester, I’ve come to expand my own understanding of what it means to be a true user of the digital era. After the various readings and projects within this course, I’ve now come to see more clearly the interplay between how technology’s stumble into the future affects those with and without the appropriate technologies to understand the content being produced. Before this course, I had no experience in creating digital objects other than term papers and the occasional PowerPoint presentation which left me in a position of not understanding the true skills needed to produce quality content. My experience with this lack of knowledge made me into what Owens referred to as a ‘screen essentialist’, or someone who is not paying attention to the back-end of what is being presented on the screen. Now having the skills to try to look past the screen into how and why digital objects are created has helped foster a sense of control over my own digital sphere. In taking back some power of my own digital space during this course, I’ve learned skills in video editing, visual design, and website making to name a few. Overall, this course has taught me how to think critically about how and when the technology around me is being used to fulfill specific overarching narratives within and beyond the writing itself: be it the actual technologies used to create those narratives themselves and those behind the screens propagating their purpose and intentions. Following this course, I would hope to continue my digital scholarship education through studying digital platform rhetorics and digital identity creation.